Come si va da Salerno a Capri?

Come si va da Salerno a Capri?

Come si va da Salerno a Capri?

La rotta dei traghetti Salerno Capri collega l'Italia con il Golfo di Napoli ed al momento è gestita da 2 compagnie di navigazione: Navigazione Libera del Golfo (NLG) e Alilauro. I passeggeri dei traghetti e aliscafo Salerno Capri avranno fino a 18 corse a settimana per raggiungere il Golfo di Napoli.

Quanto ci mette il traghetto da Salerno a Capri?

Da Salerno con i traghetti Navigazione Libera del Golfo il tempo di percorrenza è di 1 ora e 30 minuti, con la compagnia Alilauro 2 ore circa.

How to get to Salerno?

  • After your arrival, you'll have different ways to reach the city. From the airport you can take a bus for €3 (called Alibus) to Stazione Centrale in Naples (get off here for connections to Salerno via train). It also stops at Piazza Municipio near the ferry port, from which you can take a 5-minute walk to catch the Bus ( SITA ).

Where are the ferry terminals in Salerno and Amalfi?

  • Ports and ferry terminals of departure. In Salerno, there are two ports of departure: Piazza Concordia and Molo Manfredi. Piazza Concordia is directly across from the train station where the high speed trains arrive; Molo Manfredi is a few kilometers away. The Amalfi port for all ferry arrivals and departures is Molo Pennello in the town center.

Where are the ports of departure in Salerno?

  • In Salerno, there are two ports of departure: Piazza Concordia and Molo Manfredi. Piazza Concordia is directly across from the train station where the high speed trains arrive; Molo Manfredi is a few kilometers away. The Amalfi port for all ferry arrivals and departures is Molo Pennello in the town center.

Do I need to buy ferry tickets in Salerno?

  • Anyway advance booking or purchase of ferry tickets is not required, you can also purchase ferry tickets at the port. In Salerno, there are two ports of departure: Piazza Concordia and Molo Manfredi. Piazza Concordia is directly across from the train station where the high speed trains arrive; Molo Manfredi is a few kilometers away.

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