Quali sono le garanzie Ard?

Quali sono le garanzie Ard?
A.R.D. è l'acronimo di Auto Rischi Diversi, e indica la copertura assicurativa non obbligatoria da aggiungere alla polizza R.C.A.: le più classiche sono furto e incendio, cristalli, atti vandalici, assistenza stradale, tutela legale o eventi naturali e socio-politici.
Cosa significa premio imponibile?
E' il premio dovuto dal contraente, comprensivo di accessori e di eventuali interessi di frazionamento (vedi), prima della applicazione delle imposte.
Is AXA the same as AXA Equitable?
- “AXA” is the brand name of AXA Equitable Financial Services, LLC and its family of companies, including AXA Equitable, MONY Life Insurance Company of America (MLOA) (AZ stock company, administrative office: Jersey City, NJ), AXA Advisors, LLC (member FINRA, SIPC), and AXA Distributors, LLC.
What are the business units of AXA?
- The business units are: AXA Wealth – This includes AXA + Winterthur's Bonds + Individual Pensions, AXA Distribution Services who offer the Elevate wrap platform and Architas. Corporate Business – AXA + Winterthur's Group Pensions.
When did AXA change its name to AXA?
- The firm adopted the Axa name in 1985. Axa took over The Equitable in 1991 and bought Union des Assurances De Paris (UAP), France's largest insurer, in 1996 to become Axa-UAP. It reverted to the name Axa in 1999. In February 1999, Axa acquired Guardian Royal Exchange.
Where is AXA headquarters located?
- AXA headquarters is located in the 8th arrondissement of Paris. AXA, which already owned 23 Avenue Matignon, acquired the former Hotel de La Vaupalière, an 18th-century building, in the late 1990s.