Cosa progetta Renzo Piano?

Cosa progetta Renzo Piano?
Il Renzo Piano Building Workshop Il progetto riqualifica l'area dei Magazzini del Cotone e del Millo, a cui si aggiungono nuove costruzioni, come l'Acquario di Genova e il Bigo, l'ascensore panoramico.
What happened to Renzo Piano's Genoa bridge?
- Renzo Piano 's Genoa San Giorgio Bridge, which is the replacement for the Morandi Bridge that collapsed in a storm almost two years ago, has opened in Italy.
What is the purpose of the Renzo Piano project in Florence?
- "Its rapid reconstruction aims to become a model for the renovation and adaptation of Italian infrastructure with a high social, economic and strategic significance," said Piano's studio Renzo Piano Building Workshop.
Is Renzo Piano too old to design the Morandi Bridge?
- Renzo Piano is old now, but he is not so wise as to leave the project of his future to the young. The Morandi bridge was the symbol of an era and a thought that today are overcome, but at least they had faith in the Italy of the future. - Designing a complex bridge such as this is probably not a young architect's job.
What is the Genoa San Giorgio bridge?
- The Genoa San Giorgio Bridge replaces the Morandi Bridge, which was completed in 1974 and was a local landmark in the city of Genoa. Designed by Italian engineer Riccardo Morandi, the cable-stayed bridge was completed in 1967 and had an unusual structure as it was a concrete cable-stayed bridge.