Come capire se la mia auto è Euro 4?

Come capire se la mia auto è Euro 4?
Per capire se la propria auto è euro 4 occorre controllare la carta di circolazione che nel riquadro 2 al rigo V9, deve riportare il tipo di omologazione della vettura, specificando le direttive europee cui il veicolo è adeguato.
Quali sono le auto diesel Euro 4?
Le Euro 4 diesel o benzina sono modelli immatricolati dopo il 1 gennaio 2006. Al pari degli Euro 0,1,2 e 3, anch'essi sono spesso interessati dalle restrizioni al traffico con i blocchi Euro 4.
What is the difference between Euro 4 and Euro 5 diesel cars?
- Some Euro 4 diesel cars were fitted with particulate filters. Euro 5 further tightened the limits on particulate emissions from diesel engines and all diesel cars needed particulate filters to meet the new requirements.
What does Euroeuro 3 mean for your car?
- Euro 3 split the hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxide limits for petrol and diesel engines, as well as adding a separate nitrogen oxide limit for diesel vehicles. The warm-up period was removed from the test procedure.
What does Euro 4 mean for bikes?
- To make up for lost time, Euro 4 cut the limits for carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbons (HC), and oxides of nitrogen (NOx) roughly in half. Additionally, bikes are now not only required to hit these marks when new but also through 20,000 km (about 12,400 miles).
What is Euro 5 and when was it implemented?
- Euro 5. Implementation date (new approvals): 1 September 2009. Implementation date (all new registrations): 1 January 2011. The big news for Euro 5 was the introduction of particulate filters (DPFs) for diesel vehicles, along with lower limits across the board.