Come fermare le macchie bianche sulla pelle?
Come fermare le macchie bianche sulla pelle?
I corticosteroidi topici sono farmaci che si applicano sulla pelle. In alcuni casi, possono fermare la diffusione delle macchie bianche e ripristinare il colore originale. Possono essere prescritti dal medico di base o dal dermatologo agli adulti se: la vitiligine bilaterale è presente in meno del 10% del corpo.
Where can I find the latest news about vitiligo?
- Medindia provides you with the latest news and research breakthroughs on Vitiligo. Please find 1726 such items on this topic. Do People With Autoimmune Disease Need an Extra COVID-19 Vaccine Dose?
Did you know June 25th is World Vitiligo Day?
- Long live the World Vitiligo Day! June 25th is World Vitiligo Day - a date where millions of people across the world come together to increase awareness of vitiligo, fight prejudice and raise funds for research, support and education.
What increases my risk of developing vitiligo?
- The more family members have vitiligo, the higher the risk of developing this skin condition [i]. Diet is crucial in vitiligo (read more: Saturated Fat & Vitiligo)
Is vitiligo genetic or learned?
- This gave scientific confirmation on what I’ve long suspected – that genetics are only part of the story. Scientists found that the vitiligo genetic score is higher in multiplex families than in simplex cases (no family history of vitiligo). The more family members have vitiligo, the higher the risk of developing this skin condition [i].