Cosa sono i veicoli di servizio?

Cosa sono i veicoli di servizio?
Si tratta dei veicoli: destinati al trasporto cose e speciali intestati a un'impresa attiva iscritta alla Camera di Commercio alle categorie di fornitura, distribuzione, gestione di energia, acqua, rifiuti (Codici ATECORI 2007 sezione D, divisione 35; sezione E, divisione da 36 a 39)
What is Euroeuro 4 and how does it affect me?
- Euro 4 has been in the news because it affects almost all new bikes sold throughout Europe after 1 January 2017. Anything sold under previous regulations will still be totally legal and won’t be forced to meet harder rules. The new regulations are being applied only to new bikes, and over two stages.
What is the local implementation of Euro 4 limit?
- The local implementation of Euro 4 limit falls under the "Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999," which requires vehicles with Euro 4 fuel to comply with the standards issued by the DENR.
What is the difference between Euro 2 and Euro 4 emissions?
- The upgrade from Euro 2 to Euro 4 reduces the toxic sulfur that comes out of the combustion engine by 450 parts per million (ppm), both on diesel and gasoline. Benzene, which is also considered harmful to humans, was also cut off by 4%. Standard CO emission permitted by Euro 4 on gasoline is 1.0g/km, while it's 0.5g/km for the diesel.
What is the Euro 6 emission standard?
- Currently, there are 6 levels of Euro emission standards adopted in different parts of the world. The latest, Euro 6, was introduced in September 2014 – 22 years after the 1st emission level came out. The highest Euro level only permits CO emission of 1.0g/km for gasoline and 0.5g/km for diesel.