Che giorno è la festa di Santa Rosalia a Palermo?

Che giorno è la festa di Santa Rosalia a Palermo?

Che giorno è la festa di Santa Rosalia a Palermo?

Questa voce o sezione sull'argomento religione non è ancora formattata secondo gli standard.
FESTINO o Festa di Santa Rosalia in Luglio
Data15 luglio
Periodo10/15 luglio
Celebrata inPalermo

Why visit Palermo's sanctuary of Santa Rosalia?

  • Walking through the doorway of a magnificent Baroque church, and finding youself in a gloomy cave with water dripping on your head, has to be one of life’s most interesting experiences. The church is the Sanctuary of Santa Rosalia. It stands at the very top of Monte Pellegrino (Pilgrim’s Mountain), which overlooks the whole bay of Palermo.

What is the Feast of Saint Rosalia?

  • The Feast of Saint Rosalia. Saint Rosalia, also called “La Santuzza” in Sicily, is the patron saint of Palermo. Here I’ll tell you a concise biography of Santa Rosalia and what is the “festinu” (feast of Saint Rosalia). No other woman is so beloved as Palermo’s own Saint Rosalia. When you come to visit, you’ll see her image everywhere you look.

What is the name of the church in Palermo Italy?

  • The church is the Sanctuary of Santa Rosalia. It stands at the very top of Monte Pellegrino (Pilgrim’s Mountain), which overlooks the whole bay of Palermo. Palermo used to have four patron saints, but they were all fired for incompetence when the city suffered a prolonged epidemic of the plague which they could not cure.

Who is the patron saint of Palermo?

  • She was instated as the new patron saint of Palermo and the four old saints were fired. They still stand, looking ashamed and redundant, around the four corners of the spectacular Quattro Canti crossroads in Palermo. Meanwhile Rosalia is honoured in statues all over Palermo.

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