Come si chiamava L'amico di Fred Flintstone?

Come si chiamava L'amico di Fred Flintstone?
Barney Rubble Trama e caratterizzazione. I protagonisti sono Fred Flintstone, la moglie Wilma e gli amici Barney Rubble e sua moglie Betty che vengono puntualmente coinvolti in vicende nelle quali gli elementi del mondo moderno sono già presenti ma contestualizzati nella preistoria.
Who was the first known Flintstone?
- The first known Flintstone was Jed Flintstone. According to the episode, " The Bedrock Hillbillies ", the Flintstone family originated from Arkanstone and they had a home named San Cemente, which was now abandoned and dilapidated. Jed had sixteen sons one of whom was Rocky Flintstone who left Arkanstone.
What is the name of the second pet of the Flintstones?
- Baby Puss is the second pet of the Flintstones. He is a young saber tooth Tiger . Other than Dino is his role in the series but modest. He is mainly seen in the intro and final movie of the original animated series, but almost never in the episodes themselves. The family Rubble (original Dutch translation: Psy) are the neighbors of the Flintstones.
How is Wilma Flintstone different from Fred Flintstone?
- Wilma Flintstone – Fred's wife and Pebbles's mother, she is more intelligent and level-headed than her husband, though she often has a habit of spending money (with Betty's and her catchphrase being " Da-da-da duh da-da CHARGE IT!!"). She often is a foil to Fred's poor behavior but is a very loyal wife to him.
What is the name of the baby in the Flintstones?
- Pebbles Flintstone is the Flintstones' infant daughter, who is born near the end of the third season. Dino is the Flintstones' pet dinosaur that acts like a dog. A running gag in the series involves Fred coming home from work and Dino getting excited and knocking him down and licking his face repeatedly.