Quanti anni ha il leader dei Coldplay?

Quanti anni ha il leader dei Coldplay?
44 anni () Chris Martin/Età
Qual è stato il primo album dei Coldplay?
Ode to Deodorant / Brothers + Sisters Coldplay/Primo album
What is the history of Coldplay?
- Coldplay are a British rock band formed in 1996 by lead vocalist Chris Martin and lead guitarist Jonny Buckland at University College London (UCL). [4] After they formed under the name Pectoralz, Guy Berryman joined the group as a bassist and they changed their name to Starfish. [5]
Who is the 5th member of Coldplay?
- Manager Phil Harvey is often considered an unofficial fifth member. [6] The band renamed themselves "Coldplay" in 1998, [7] before recording and releasing three EPs: Safety in 1998, Brothers & Sisters as a single in 1999 and The Blue Room in the same year. The Blue Room was their first release on a major label, after signing to Parlophone.
What makes Coldplay so good live?
- Coldplay puts on a fantastic show of lights, technology, and music. Chris Martin's raw voice can be heard clearly through the microphone as he dances with the crowd, getting them pumped up. Don't you want to like a band that is good live?
What is the meaning of the song Fix you by Coldplay?
- Through their years, Coldplay has succeeded with producing many songs with meaningful lyrics. “Fix You” off of their “X&Y” album focuses on the death of Martin's friend's dad and how he “needed to fix” the person to build them up and give them hope.