Quanto dura la chemio di mantenimento?

Quanto dura la chemio di mantenimento?

Quanto dura la chemio di mantenimento?

In genere la chemioterapia si prolunga per un periodo che va da tre a sei mesi, nel corso del quale si effettuano in genere da tre-quattro a sei-otto cicli di trattamento. Il programma tuttavia può cambiare in relazione al tipo di malattia, al singolo paziente e alla reazione individuale alle cure.

What is carboplatin used for in cancer treatment?

  • Use in Cancer. Carboplatin is approved to be used alone or with other drugs to treat: Ovarian cancer that is advanced. It is used with other chemotherapy as first-line treatment. It is used alone as palliative treatment for disease that has recurred (come back) after earlier chemotherapy.

What are the possible side effects of carboplatin?

  • Common side effects include low blood cell levels, nausea, and electrolyte problems. Other serious side effects include allergic reactions and increased future risk of another cancer. Use during pregnancy may result in harm to the baby. Carboplatin is in the platinum-based antineoplastic family of medications...

Where can I find FDA label information for carboplatin?

  • FDA label information for this drug is available at DailyMed. Carboplatin is approved to be used alone or with other drugs to treat: Ovarian cancer that is advanced. It is used with other chemotherapy as first-line treatment. It is used alone as palliative treatment for disease that has recurred (come back) after earlier chemotherapy.

Why does carboplatin have a longer half life than cisplatin?

  • The lower excretion rate of carboplatin means that more is retained in the body, and hence its effects are longer lasting (a retention half-life of 30 hours for carboplatin, compared to 1.5-3.6 hours in the case of cisplatin). Two theories exist to explain the molecular mechanism of action of carboplatin with DNA:

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