Dove si trova la malaria?
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Dove si trova la malaria?
Nella prima metà del XX secolo la malaria fu eradicata da gran parte delle aree temperate e oggi risulta diffusa principalmente nei Paesi della fascia tropicale e sub tropicale. In particolare, è altamente endemica in Africa, dove si verificano il maggior numero di casi e di decessi.
Come si trasmette la malaria da uomo a uomo?
Di norma il contagio avviene attraverso la puntura di una zanzara femmina del genere Anopheles; quando una zanzara punge una persona infetta, insieme al sangue vengono prelevati anche i microscopici parassiti responsabili della malattia.
What are the precautions for malaria?
- One way to prevent malaria is to avoid mosquito bites with the following strategies: As much as possible, stay indoors in well-screened areas, especially at night when mosquitoes are most active. Use mosquito nets and bed nets. It's best to treat the nets with the insect repellant permethrin. Wear clothing that covers most of your body.
What is the risk of malaria?
- Individuals at highest risk of death from malaria reside in areas in which malaria is endemic. In addition, individuals with no immunity such as travelers and young children, and pregnant women whose immunity is lowered, are at higher risk. Individuals who are infected with the Plasmodium falciparum species of malaria are at higher risk.
What is the current treatment for malaria?
- Severe malaria should be treated with injectable artesunate (intramuscular or intravenous) for at least 24 hours and followed by a complete 3-day course of an ACT once the patient can tolerate oral medicines.
What is the rapid diagnostic test for malaria?
- Malaria Diagnosis (U.S.) – Rapid Diagnostic Test. A Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT) is an alternate way of quickly establishing the diagnosis of malaria infection by detecting specific malaria antigens in a person’s blood.