Quanto ci vuole a visitare la Cappella degli Scrovegni?

Quanto ci vuole a visitare la Cappella degli Scrovegni?
Il visitatore deve sostare nella sala di compensazione del C.T.A. per 15 minuti, tempo necessario per la stabilizzazione del microclima interno. Successivamente accederà all'interno della Cappella per altri 15 minuti. La visita ha una durata complessiva di circa 30 minuti.
How do I get into the Scrovegni Chapel?
- Visitors, with their tickets, should reach the entrance of the air-conditioned waiting-room outside the Scrovegni Chapel 5 minutes before the visiting time printed on their tickets. Late visitors will not be admitted into the Chapel, unless they book a new visit at another available time and pay again.
Who painted the Scrovegni Chapel in Florence?
- The Scrovegni Chapel, dedicated to St. Mary of the Charity, frescoed between 13 by Giotto, upon the commission of Enrico degli Scrovegni, is one of the most important masterpieces of Western art.
What is the Universal Judgement at Scrovegni?
- On the wall opposite the altar is the grandiose Universal Judgement, which concludes the story of human salvation. The chapel was originally attached to the Scrovegni family palace, built after 1300, following the elliptical outline of the remains of the Roman arena.
Can I take photographs inside the Scrovegni Chapel and Eremitani Civic Museum?
- Inside the Scrovegni Chapel and Eremitani Civic Museum visitors are allowed to take photographs for personal or private use but only from a distance to the object (not touching it) and without the use of flash, incandescent lamps, tripods or other support. We kindly remind our visitors that it is not possible to book for the same day.