Cosa cura il Gamma Knife?

Cosa cura il Gamma Knife?

Cosa cura il Gamma Knife?

La Gamma Knife è una tecnica di radiochirurgia stereotassica intracranica che permette di intervenire su molti tumori e patologie cerebrali in modalità mini-invasiva.

Che cos'è la stereotassica?

stereotassico, apparato Strumento neurochirurgico che consente di operare nell'encefalo, quando è necessario raggiungere formazioni situate in profondità, risparmiando le strutture soprastanti e riducendo al minimo la lesione cranica.

What are the dangers of Gamma Knife?

  • Tenderness where the screws or pins were placed
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Hair loss where the radiation was directed
  • Damage to surrounding tissues in the brain,caused by swelling. These effects may be delayed,and may cause symptoms mimicking a stroke or a recurrence of tumor

What can be treated with Gamma Knife?

  • brain tumours
  • trigeminal neuralgia – pain in your face,usually on one side,when a nerve is under pressure (compressed)
  • arteriovenous malformation (AVM),a tangle of blood vessels with abnormal connections between arteries and veins,which you’re usually born with
  • cavernoma,a cluster of abnormal blood vessels,usually in your brain and spinal cord

What medical conditions can a gamma knife procedure treat?

  • Gamma Knife surgery is a painless computer-guided treatment that delivers highly focused radiation to tumors and lesions in the brain. Gamma Knife surgery is used to treat brain tumors, arteriovenous malformations, trigeminal neuralgia, acoustic neuroma and tremors .

Who needs a gamma knife surgery?

  • Gamma Knife surgery is a painless computer-guided treatment that delivers highly focused radiation to tumors and lesions in the brain. Gamma Knife surgery is used to treat brain tumors, arteriovenous malformations, trigeminal neuralgia, acoustic neuroma and tremors.

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