Chi uccide Anakin Skywalker?

Chi uccide Anakin Skywalker?
Obi-Wan e Anakin si confrontano con Dooku durante la battaglia che ne segue, ma il Signore dei Sith batte entrambi in duello amputando il braccio di Anakin. Yoda interviene e salva i Jedi. Alla fine del film Anakin, dotato di un braccio robotico, sposa Padmé in segreto.
Why did Darth Vader turn to the Dark Side?
- Vader's story came to an end in Return of the Jedi where he killed the Emperor out of love for his son Luke thus fulfilling the so called prophecy that he would bring balance to the Force. He had come from the darkest of places so that his son may live and not also be turned to the Dark Side or killed by Palpatine.
What does Darth Vader actually say?
- Darth Vader Never Said "Luke, I Am Your Father.". It's one of the most famous lines in Star Wars canon but most people get it wrong. At no point in the Star Wars saga does Darth Vader actually say: "Luke, I am your father.". Instead, this is how the exchange actually plays: Darth Vader: Obi-Wan never told you what happened to your father.
What does Darth Vader symbolize to you?
- For years, it has been believed that Darth Vader means "Dark Father" in Dutch or German (depending on who you ask). This has been fueled by Lucas himself, who after the release of The Empire Strikes Back , revealed that "Vader" comes from the Dutch word for "father", adding years later that "Darth" is a variation of dark, so Darth Vader would mean "dark father".
Why does Anakin Skywalker become Darth Vader?
- Anakin Skywalker became Darth Vader because he was seduced by the dark side of the Force due his belief that it is the way to save Padme Amidala . When Qui-Gon Jinn found him in Tatooine as a young boy, he was exceptionally strong with the force & a very good pilot.