Cosa ha fatto nella vita Steve Jobs?
- Cosa ha fatto nella vita Steve Jobs?
- Quando e come è morto Steve Jobs?
- Che università ha fatto Steve Jobs?
- Che personalità aveva Steve Jobs?
- How old is Steven Jobs Now?
- What happened to Steve Jobs father Paul Jobs?
- How many children did Steve Jobs have with his wife?
- What did Steve Jobs do to help revive Apple?

Cosa ha fatto nella vita Steve Jobs?
Steven Paul Jobs, detto Steve (San Francisco, 24 febbraio 1955 – Palo Alto, 5 ottobre 2011), è stato un imprenditore, informatico e inventore statunitense. È stato il cofondatore di Apple Inc.
Quando e come è morto Steve Jobs?
5 ottobre 2011 Steve Jobs/Data di morte
Che università ha fatto Steve Jobs?
Reed College Homestead High SchoolDe Anza CollegeMonta Loma ElementaryCupertino Junior High School Steve Jobs/Istruzione
Che personalità aveva Steve Jobs?
Steve aveva un caratteraccio. Era impaziente, irascibile e duro con le persone che gli stavano intorno. Era un perfezionista e si aspettava sempre più del massimo che le persone potevano dare. Desiderava lavorare solo con i migliori, aborriva la mediocrità.
How old is Steven Jobs Now?
- Mini Bio (1) Steven Paul Jobs was born on 24 February 1955 in San Francisco, California, to students Abdul Fattah Jandali and Joanne Carole Schieble who were unmarried at the time and gave him up for adoption. He was taken in by a working class couple, Paul and Clara Jobs, and grew up with them in Mountain View,...
What happened to Steve Jobs father Paul Jobs?
- Jobs's father, Paul, died a year and a half later, on Ma. Jobs and Powell had two more children, Erin, born in August 1995, and Eve, born in 1998. The family lived in Palo Alto, California.
How many children did Steve Jobs have with his wife?
- Jobs's and Powell's first child, Reed, was born September 1991. Jobs's father, Paul, died a year and a half later, on Ma. Jobs and Powell had two more children, Erin, born in August 1995, and Eve, born in 1998.
What did Steve Jobs do to help revive Apple?
- Apple merged with NeXT in 1997, and Jobs became CEO of his former company within a few months. He was largely responsible for helping revive Apple, which had been at the verge of bankruptcy. He worked closely with designer Jony Ive to develop a line of products that had larger cultural ramifications,...