Quanto dura la visita di Palazzo Te Mantova?
Quanto dura la visita di Palazzo Te Mantova?
120 minuti È possibile acquistare il servizio in biglietteria il giorno stesso, se i posti sono disponibili, unitamente al biglietto di ingresso. La durata completa della visita ai tre complessi monumentali si aggira intorno ai 120 minuti.
What is Palazzo Te in Mantua?
- Palazzo Te is a museum and a cultural center in Mantua, northern Italy, as well as a masterpiece of Italian High Renaissance art and architecture designed and decorated by Giulio Romano in the early 16th century.
When was Palazzo Te built?
- Palazzo Te, built and decorated between 15, is the masterpiece of Giulio Romano (Rome 1499 - Mantua 1546), who conceived it as a place for idleness of the prince, Federico II Gonzaga, and sumptuous receptions of the most distinguished guests.
Where is the Palazzo del Te located?
- Palazzo del Te or Palazzo Te is a palace in the suburbs of Mantua, Italy. It is a fine example of the mannerist style of architecture, and the acknowledged masterpiece of Giulio Romano.
What is the Museo Civico del Palazzo Te?
- Part of the Palazzo today houses the Museo Civico del Palazzo Te, endowed by the publisher Arnoldo Mondadori. It contains a collection of Mesopotamian art. Wikimedia Commons has media related to Palazzo Te (Mantua).