Cosa è il seminoma?

Cosa è il seminoma?
Il seminoma è un tumore maligno del testicolo che interessa le cellule germinali, ossia quelle cellule da cui originano gli spermatozoi. È il più frequente tra i vari tipi di tumori dei testicoli, perché rappresenta quasi la metà dei casi totali.
Perché viene il tumore ai testicoli?
Le cause del cancro al testicolo restano sconosciute, anche se diversi fattori di rischio possono favorirlo. Tra questi, il principale è il criptorchidismo, cioè la mancata discesa nello scroto di uno dei testicoli, che resta nell'addome o nell'inguine.
What are the signs and symptoms of a seminoma?
- Summary. Seminoma usually presents in males between the ages of 30-40. A painless mass in the scrotum is indicative of disease. A long-standing hydrocele may be noted causing a feeling of heaviness in the testicle. Gynecomastia and back and flank pain are symptoms that are seen in some patients.
What is the diameter of a seminoma in a dog?
- The diameter of these growths usually measure less than 2 cms. In affected dogs, no clinical symptoms are manifested in Seminoma. Due to this reason, these growths are difficult to detect. Some dogs, however, suffer from pain as a result of pressure from the enlarging tumor. The testicular tumor in dogs can be felt in a few cases.
What are the treatment options for a seminoma?
- These findings will help guide a patient's treatment plan. 9 The treatment for a seminoma involves surgery and sometimes radiation or chemotherapy. 4 Surgical removal of the testicle is the primary treatment of a seminoma. For those with stage I seminomas, surgery is usually curative.
What is the incidence of seminoma in Europe?
- Annual incidence in Europe is 1/62,000 people. It accounts for 40% of testicular cancer cases. Seminoma usually presents in males between the ages of 30-40. A painless mass in the scrotum is indicative of disease. A long-standing hydrocele may be noted causing a feeling of heaviness in the testicle.