Quante case ci sono a Genova?

Quante case ci sono a Genova?
Il censimento del 2011, nonostante una popolazione di 586.000 abitanti (un calo del 29% sul 1971), osservava la presenza di 309.700 abitazioni complessive (+8,7%).
Come è Genova?
Ma Genova non è solo acquario, è una città ricca di fascino e di storia, di panorami suggestivi e tesori nascosti. La città ligure possiede uno dei centri storici medievali più grandi d'Europa, ricchi di vicoli che ospitano chiese e importanti costruzioni architettoniche di valore, alcune appartenenti a nobili.
What is the population of Genoa Italy?
- 113 ha (280 acres) Genoa (/ˈdʒɛnoʊ.ə/ JEN-oh-ə; Italian: Genova [ˈdʒɛːnova] (listen); Ligurian: Zêna [ˈzeːna]; English, historically, and Latin: Genua) is the capital of the Italian region of Liguria and the sixth-largest city in Italy. In 2015, 594,733 people lived within the city's administrative limits.
What is the historical center of Genoa called?
- The historical center, also known as old town, of Genoa is one of the largest and most-densely populated in Europe. Part of it was also inscribed on the World Heritage List (UNESCO) in 2006 as Genoa: Le Strade Nuove and the system of the Palazzi dei Rolli .
What is the future of Genoa's railway lines?
- The municipal administration of Genoa plans to transform these urban railway lines to be part of the rapid transit system, which now consists of the Metropolitana di Genova (Genoa Metro), a light metro connecting Brin to the city centre.
What is the origin of the word Genoa?
- The city's modern name may derive from the Latin word meaning "knee" ( genu; plural, genua) but there are other theories. It could derive from the god Janus, because Genoa, like him, has two faces: a face that looks at the sea and another turned to the mountains.