Chi decapito Oloferne?

Chi decapito Oloferne?
Durante l'assedio Giuditta, donna ebrea coraggiosa e intelligente, si introdusse nell'accampamento di Oloferne dicendogli di aver tradito il proprio popolo, e dopo averlo ubriacato lo decapitò, lasciando così l'esercito assiro senza comandante.
What size is Artemisia Gentileschi's Judith Slaying Holofernes?
- Artemisia Gentileschi, Judith Slaying Holofernes, 1620-21, oil on canvas, 162. cm (Uffizi Gallery, Florence). Speakers: Dr. Steven
Why is the story of Judith important to Artemisia?
- While the story of Judith likely held personal significance for Artemisia, it is important to note its broader cultural valence. The story of Judith was especially popular in the Baroque period, not only in the visual arts but also in literature, theater, and music.
When was the Uffizi painting signed?
- This large painting signed by the artist was in Palazzo Pitti in 1638 and was tranferred to the Uffizi in 1774. In 1635 the Artist thanked Galileo Galilei for having helped her obtain payment, most likely for this painting for Cosimo III who was an empassioned collector of caravaggesque paintings.
How did Artemisia gentilleschi get paid for her paintings?
- In 1635 the Artist thanked Galileo Galilei for having helped her obtain payment, most likely for this painting for Cosimo III who was an empassioned collector of caravaggesque paintings. Artemisia Gentilleschi was in Florence from 16 and completed several paintings for the Medici Court.