Qual è la posizione geografica di Pompei?

Qual è la posizione geografica di Pompei?
Pompei sorge su un altopiano di formazione vulcanica, sul versante meridionale del Vesuvio, a circa 30 metri sul livello del mare ed a breve distanza dalla foce del fiume Sarno, in una suggestiva posizione, decantata in epoca romana anche da Seneca.
Dove si trovano i resti archeologici di Pompei?
30 m s.l.m. Gli scavi archeologici di Pompei hanno restituito i resti della città di Pompei antica, presso la collina di Civita, alle porte della moderna Pompei, seppellita sotto una coltre di ceneri e lapilli durante l'eruzione del Vesuvio del 79, insieme a Ercolano, Stabia e Oplonti.
What are the main features of Pompeii?
- Pompeii and Herculaneum consisted of rectangular residential blocks called insulae (one is an insula). These were separated by narrow streets which ran at right angles to the main, long, traffic thoroughfares. The insula varied from about 850 square metres to a very large 5500 square metres. Each insulae was walled. Within the walls were suburban villas, rented flats, bath houses, shops, taverns and workshops depending upon the location of the insulae and its size.
How many people did Pompeii kill?
- There are no records of how many people lived in Pompeii, or how many were killed, but experts estimate that as many as 20,000 people lived in Pompeii and in its surrounding towns. Of those, between 10,000 and 16,000 perished.
Did anyone survive in Pompeii?
- It is estimated that from 1,500 to 2,000 people died in Pompeii during the 79 AD eruption; most scholars believe that the number of inhabitants of the city was somewhere between 6,000 to 20,000; therefore most Pompeians survived the pyroclastic clouds, possibly because, alerted from the early signs of the eruption, they escaped by foot, probably ...
What to see at Pompeii?
- Viewing Ruins. When you visit Pompeii, you’ll get to walk around the actual ruins of the city. Throughout the ruins, you can see casts of the bodies and other interesting things like graffiti and rudimentary furniture.