How much is a gigawatt?

How much is a gigawatt?

How much is a gigawatt?

A gigawatt is equal to one billion watts, and most of us are familiar with a watt. The light bulbs in our homes are typically between watts. So 1.21 gigawatts would power more than 10 million light bulbs or one fictional flux capacitor in a time-traveling DeLorean.

Is 1 gigawatt a lot?

For those who are looking for more power, how's this: One gigawatt is equivalent to 1.3 million horsepower. Here's a more practical measurement, though: One gigawatt is enough energy to power about 750,000 homes.

How big is a GW?

The gigawatt (GW) is equal to one billion (109) watts or 1 gigawatt = 1000 megawatts. This unit is often used for large power plants or power grids.

Is a lightning bolt really 1.21 gigawatts?

And while lightning strikes vary in strength, Dr. Brown was right: they can produce 1.21 gigawatts of power. That's a sobering fact when you consider that lightning is Utah's second deadliest natural hazard and has been for the last 15 years according to

How powerful is a megawatt?

Megawatts are used to measure the output of a power plant or the amount of electricity required by an entire city. One megawatt (MW) = 1,000 kilowatts = 1,000,000 watts. For example, a typical coal plant is about 600 MW in size.

How much is 30 gigawatts?

30 gigawatts is 30,000 megawatts.

What is the meaning of terawatt?

Definition of terawatt : a unit of power equal to one trillion watts.

What is bigger than a gigawatt?

A kilowatt (kW) is 1,000 watts, a megawatt (MW) is 1,000 kilowatts, a gigawatt (GW) is 1,000 megawatts, and a terawatt (TW) is 1,000 gigawatts.

Can plutonium generate 1.21 gigawatts?

The chemical element plutonium was used in the first version of the DeLorean time machine to fuel an onboard nuclear reactor which could generate the 1.21 gigawatts of momentary power required for temporal displacement of the vehicle while traveling at 88 miles per hour.

What is larger than a gigawatt?

A kilowatt (kW) is 1,000 watts, a megawatt (MW) is 1,000 kilowatts, a gigawatt (GW) is 1,000 megawatts, and a terawatt (TW) is 1,000 gigawatts.

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