Come è fatto l orbettino?

Come è fatto l orbettino?
L'orbettino italiano La forma è cilindrica, con pelle squamosa, liscia e lucida. Sottopelle, l'orbettino presenta delle placche ossee dette osteodermi, le quali ne rallentano parecchio la mobilità, ma facilitano la capacità di scavare tunnel. Il colore è marrone o grigiastro, con splendidi riflessi rameici.
Cosa mangia un orbettino?
Alimentazione. È un animale che non presenta denti veleniferi, e non avendo mascelle snodabili come i serpenti si nutre principalmente di piccoli insetti, lumache, vermi e lombrichi.
What does Orbetello mean?
- Orbetello was an ancient Etruscan settlement, which in 280 BC passed under the control of the Romans, who had founded their colony of Cosa (near the modern Ansedonia ). The emperor Domitian had a substantial property here, which had belonged to the Domitii Ahenobarbi and he inherited through his wife Domitia Longina.
How is Orbetello linked to Monte Argentario?
- Orbetello is linked to Monte Argentario via Diga Leopoldina, a road built in 1841 along an artificial embankment that divides the lagoon into two sections: the Laguna di Levante and Laguna di Ponente, known respectively as Tombolo della Feniglia and Tombolo della Giannella. Curious about what to see and do in Orbetello and its surroundings?
Where is the Orbetello lagoon?
- Orbetello’s lagoon area is bordered at the sea by two strips of sand called “tomboli” (spits): the Tombolo della Feniglia and the Tombolo della Giannella. The Feniglia is a 6km long strip of sand, situated between the Ansedonia hill to the east and Monte Argentario to the west.
Is there a free beach in Orbetello?
- The beach is mostly free, though you’ll also find equipped bathing facilities and parking. This is a favorite among sailing-enthusiasts, as the area faces northern winds. The town of Orbetello also created a path for disabled access to the public beach via the Dune della Feniglia State Nature Reserve.