Chi ha vinto Miss Italia 2005?

Chi ha vinto Miss Italia 2005?
Edelfa Chiara Masciotta Miss Italia 2005/Vincitori La sessantaseiesima edizione di Miss Italia si è svolta a Salsomaggiore Terme il 15, 16, 18 e 19 settembre 2005, ed è stata condotta da Carlo Conti. Vincitrice del concorso è stata la ventunenne Edelfa Chiara Masciotta di Torino.
What is Miss Italia nel mondo?
- In 1991 a separate pageant was instituted, called " Miss Italia Nel Mondo ", a competition for Italian women living abroad. Miss Italia will no longer be held in Salsomaggiore Terme, for economic reasons. This was announced in April 2011 and a long list of cities have expressed interest in hosting the pageant.
Where will the Miss Italia 2011 be held?
- It was officially announced that Miss Italia 2011 will be held in Montecatini Terme. Milly Carlucci will not return as host of the pageant. Fabrizio Frizzi has replaced her for Miss Italia 2011.
What is the history of the Miss Italy contest?
- After a break during World War II, the contest resumed in 1946 and adopted the present-day name of Miss Italia. It was held in Stresa, which had managed to maintain its hotel infrastructure despite the war.
Who are the members of the Italian Miss Italia jury?
- The jury groups that elect Miss Italia have included celebrities such as Totò, Giorgio de Chirico, Giovannino Guareschi, Luchino Visconti, Vittorio De Sica, Gina Lollobrigida, Alberto Lattuada, Marcello Mastroianni, Ugo Tognazzi, Lina Wertmüller, Dino Risi, Alberto Sordi, and Claudia Cardinale .