Come si chiama il cattivo di suburra?

Come si chiama il cattivo di suburra?
Amedeo Cinaglia (stagioni 1-3), interpretato da Filippo Nigro.
Quante sono le puntate di suburra?
24 Suburra - La serie/Numero di puntate
Quante sono le puntate di Suburra 3?
La terza e ultima stagione della serie televisiva Suburra - La serie, composta da sei episodi, è stata interamente pubblicata sul servizio di streaming on demand Netflix il 30 ottobre 2020, in tutti i paesi in cui era disponibile.
Chi è l'attore Aureliano di suburra?
Alessandro BorghiSuburra - La serie Aureliano Adami/Interpretato/a da
What is the meaning of Suburra?
- Suburra (usually spelled Subura in antiquity) was an area of the city of Rome, Italy located below the Murus Terreus on the Carinae. In ancient Roman times, it was a crowded lower-class area that was also notorious as a red-light district.
Who are the actors in the movie Suburra?
- Suburra (film) The movie was financed by Netflix and RAI. It stars Pierfrancesco Favino, Elio Germano and Claudio Amendola, and focuses on the connections between organized crime and politics in Rome in 2011.
How was the Suburra protected from fires?
- In the time of Augustus, these monumental areas were protected from fires, which frequently broke out in the popular tenements of the Suburra, by building the massive wall that still survives today and represents the only trace of the ancient Suburra within the modern city.
Is Suburra worth watching on Netflix?
- Only Rome is eternal. (Season 3) First Italian-language Netflix Original Series. For some reason, Netflix is particularly adept in producing Mexican and Italian series. Suburra was just about perfect. I know some of it is not real world but if you suspend belief for a view hours this is a hugely entertaining show.