Cosa fare a Paestum un giorno?

Cosa fare a Paestum un giorno?
Le principali attrazioni da visitare a Paestum sono:
- Parco Archeologico di Paestum.
- Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Paestum.
- Tempio di Hera II.
- Lido Mediterraneo Beach.
- Tempio di Atena.
Quanto costa Paestum?
Prezzo biglietti: Biglietto Cumulativo (Parco Archeologico di Paestum + di Velia): euro 10,00 – ridotto 5,00 euro. Museo (solo quando gli Scavi sono chiusi): euro 4,00 – ridotto 2,00 euro. Area archeologica (solo quando il Museo è chiuso): euro 7,00 – ridotto 3,50 euro.
What can you do in Paestum?
- In Paestum you can. You can enter the temples just like in the past. Walk around the huge columns and feel tiny. You can take a close look at the most ancient architecture of Greek art, and appreciate its harmony and proportions. You can understand it was built to be in a dynamic relationship with the surrounding landscape.
How much does the archaeological park of Paestum and Velia cost?
- The ticket of the Archaeological Park of Paestum and Velia is valid for 3 days and includes one access to the Archaeological Area and the Museum of Paestum and the Archaeological Area of Velia. Full price: € 6. Reduced (from 18 to 25 years): € 2. Family (2 adults + one or more children and young people up to 25 years): € 10. Full price: € 12.
Did you know the archaeological park of Paestum is closed?
- The Archaeological Park of Paestum and Velia will be closed until further notice. Did you know? The travellers of the 18th century discovered the Greek temples in Paestum. Not in Greece, but in Paestum! Even Johann Winckelmann, the inventor of the history of ancient art.
Who discovered the Greek temples in Paestum?
- The travellers of the 18th century discovered the Greek temples in Paestum. Not in Greece, but in Paestum! Even Johann Winckelmann, the inventor of the history of ancient art. The one who convinced us that the art of ancient Greece is insuperable and we can only hope to imitate it. But he never went to Greece.