Come si fa ad entrare in aeronautica?

Come si fa ad entrare in aeronautica?
Come detto in precedenza, è possibile entrare in Aeronautica Militare come Volontari in Ferma Prefissata di un anno (VFP1). Per poter fare ciò, gli interessati devono innanzitutto partecipare al concorso pubblico indetto ogni anno, il cui bando viene pubblicato sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale – quarta serie speciale.
What does Aeronautica Militare offer?
- Discover other outfits Aeronautica Militare offers a comprehensive wardrobe for men, women and children to cater for formal and more casual styles, with comfortable and original garments to suit every occasion.
What is the history of the Italian Air Force?
- The Regia Aeronautica and World War II. On , the Italian Air Force was founded as an independent service by King Vittorio Emanuele III of the Kingdom of Italy.
What does Corpo Aeronautico Militare stand for?
- The Air Service ( Corpo Aeronautico Militare) operated balloons based near Rome. In 1911, reconnaissance and bombing sorties during the Italo-Turkish War by the Servizio Aeronautico represented the first use of heavier-than-air aircraft in armed conflict.
What is Regia Aeronautica (Royal Air Force)?
- This air force was known as the Regia Aeronautica (Royal Air Force). During the 1930s, the fledgling Regia Aeronautica was involved in its first military operations, first in Ethiopia in 1935, and later in the Spanish Civil War between 19.