In che episodio Jo e Alex si sposano?

In che episodio Jo e Alex si sposano?
Nonostante tutto però non lascerà Jo. Anzi quando lei uscirà dalla clinica riabilitativa, Alex le ribadirà il suo amore e le chiederà di sposarlo (di nuovo). Nel sesto episodio la sera di Halloween, Jo ed Alex vanno in municipio e si sposano ufficialmente.
In che stagione va via Alex Karev?
Grey's Anatomy: Cosa è successo ad Alex Karev Come sappiamo, Justin Chambers ha deciso improvvisamente di lasciare Grey's Anatomy nel bel mezzo della sedicesima stagione, lo scorso anno, non permettendo agli sceneggiatori di scrivere per lui un finale nel quale il suo personaggio apparisse sullo schermo.
Why did Alex Karev leave grey's?
- Launch the gallery for a look in pictures of Chambers’ years on Grey’s Anatomy. Initially, Alex’s absence was explained as his going to Iowa to care for his ill mother, but then it was revealed that such was not the case. In fact, Alex had been MIA, ghosting both Meredith ( Ellen Pompeo) and Jo, who tried to text and call him.
Who has Alex Karev dated on Grey's Anatomy?
- Grey's Anatomy fans met Alex Karev in season one. From the beginning of the series, Karev was the lone wolf of the residents. However, his love story with Dr. Izzie Stevens (Katherine Heigl) became a focal point of his journey. During the first five seasons of Grey's, Alex and Izzie dated off-and-on.
Who is Alex Karev dating on Grey's Anatomy?
- During the hospital shootings, Alex was shot in the chest, and survived. He then developed an outreach program at the hospital to help sick children in Africa receive surgical care. Alex is currently involved in a relationship with Jo Wilson.