Come si ricaricano le macchine di Formula E?

Come si ricaricano le macchine di Formula E?

Come si ricaricano le macchine di Formula E?

A rendere possibile ciò è Enel X che per la competizione fornisce l'infrastruttura di ricarica. La colonnina elettrica dedicata alle monoposto si chiama JuicePump 80 Race Edition. Eroga una potenza di 80 kilowatt in corrente continua DC. Ciò permette di ricaricare totalmente le batterie delle monoposto in 75 minuti.

Come funziona un auto di Formula 1?

La velocità in curva di una macchina di Formula 1 è determinata principalmente dalle forze aerodinamiche che spingono la vettura verso il basso, aumentando così la tenuta delle gomme e l'aderenza al suolo.

Who sponsors Formula E?

  • Bosch sponsors Formula E "It’s with great pleasure that we welcome Bosch to the ABB FIA Formula E Championship as an official partner," said Alejandro Agag , Founder & CEO of Formula E.

What is Formula E car racing?

  • Formula E, officially the ABB FIA Formula E Championship, is a class of auto racing that uses only electric-powered cars. The series was conceived in 2011, and the inaugural championship started in Beijing in September 2014. ... Formula E is a racing series that continue to attract attention and this can be seen in the teams joining the series.

What is a Formula E car?

  • Formula E car. The Formula E car is an open-wheel auto racing electric car, powered by an electric motor.

What is the speed of Formula E cars?

  • A typical Formula E car has a power of at least 250 horsepower (190 kW). The car is able to accelerate from 0–100 km/h (0–62 mph) in 3 seconds, with a maximum speed of 225 km/h (140 mph).

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