Come raggiungere l'India?

Come raggiungere l'India?
La principale compagnia aerea per i collegamenti interni è la Indian Airlines; la linea internazionale Air India (e Alitalia) offre 4 voli settimanali con partenza da Roma e destinazione Delhi o Bombay, oltre a collegare quasi tutte le principali località del Paese; considerando le vaste dimensioni del territorio ...
When was the first Aero India show held?
- The first edition of the air show was held in 1996. During this Aero India Show, many manufacturers and service providers from the Indian aerospace and aviation industry meet the potential buyers of their products.
How many companies participate in Aero India 2017?
- The 11th edition of the Aero India was held from 14 to 18 February 2017. This edition of the show will see participation from a total of 549 companies (270 Indian and 279 Foreign), 72 participating aircraft, cover an area of 27,678 sqm and witness participation from 51 different countries.
When was the 7th edition of Aero India?
- The 7th edition was held from 11 to 15 February 2009, and included 592 exhibitors from over 25 countries. The eighth edition started on 9 February 2011. In recent years, the Aero India has emerged as one of the world's most important and largest military aviation exhibitions.
Which country will not participate in Aero India 2011?
- The 2011 edition of Aero India was held from 9 to 13 February in Bangalore. It was reported that the Chinese aircraft will not participate in this edition, due to rising trade competition between India and China.