A cosa serviva Palazzo Te?

A cosa serviva Palazzo Te?
Palazzo Te fu costruito tra il 15 su commissione di Federico II Gonzaga in onore dell'amante Isabella Boschetti. Il Palazzo Te era una grandiosa villa suburbana destinata allo svago, alle feste e ai ricevimenti di Corte Gonzaga.
What is Palazzo Te in Mantua?
- Palazzo Te is a museum and a cultural center in Mantua, northern Italy, as well as a masterpiece of Italian High Renaissance art and architecture designed and decorated by Giulio Romano in the early 16th century.
When was Palazzo Te built?
- Palazzo Te, built and decorated between 15, is the masterpiece of Giulio Romano (Rome 1499 - Mantua 1546), who conceived it as a place for idleness of the prince, Federico II Gonzaga, and sumptuous receptions of the most distinguished guests.
What makes the Palazzo Te in Rome so special?
- One of the most fascinating examples of monumental architecture in Italy, the Palazzo Te building was designed by Giulio Romano between 15 as a pleasure palace for Federico II Gonzaga, Duke of Mantua.
What does the name Palazzo Te mean?
- The name Palazzo Te doesn’t mean, as many believe, “Tea palace”; in fact, the building was named after the island on the outskirts of Mantua on which it is located, once called “Tejeto” (linden grove), and then shortened to “Te”.