Che significa avere la febbre a 37?

Che significa avere la febbre a 37?
Si parla di febbre quando la temperatura corporea aumenta al di sopra dei valori normali, cioè oltre i 37,2-37,5°C. Quest'alterazione è causata da uno spostamento a valori patologici del sistema di regolazione dell'ipotalamo, per azione di mediatori chimici endogeni: le citochine pirogene.
How tall is Ballora the ballerina?
- Ballora is 6.2 feet tall and weighs 347 lbs (188 cm and 157 kg). Minireenas are very small animatronic ballerinas with simplistic designs. They have small heads and very slender limbs. The masks on their heads are pure white and are somewhat reminiscent of the Puppet's.
What is Ballora from FNaF Sister Location?
- Ballora is an animatronic from Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location. She resembles a ballerina. Ballora is a humanoid ballerina animatronic with a curved, hourglass figure and pale skin. She has over-exaggerated eyelashes, blue hair tied up in a bun with embellishment on top.
What kind of song does Ballora dance to?
- Ballora has her own song called Dance To Forget; Ballora is one of two animatronics to be more aware of her surroundings and not seem to rely on pre-recorded lines like the more rudimentary animatronics. The other is Circus Baby after she is possessed by The Daughter. Sounds Dialogue
Does Ballora have wheels on her feet?
- Ballora takes on Freddy's role during the Custom Night, attacking the player when the power is out, regardless if she is active on that night. Ballora appears to have wheels on her feet. This is due to the fact that she can move and spin without moving her legs.