Was Onward a flop?

Was Onward a flop?
Onward has garnered a curious reputation as a critical flop in a short period of time. Contrary to that now-accepted logic, the movie was actually pretty warmly received. Indeed, Onward possesses an 87% rating on Rotten Tomatoes (as well as being certified fresh) plus a Metacritic ranking of 61 on Metacritic.
Was Onward a bad movie?
Despite being a commercial disappointment, Pixar's Onward, starring Tom Holland and Chris Pratt, is what the studio's future films should be like. Onward was a disappointment in many regards, however, despite its shortcomings it's what Pixar's movie future should be.
Will there be a Part 2 of Onward?
As far as Onward, there is no plan for a sequel, but I was able to make kind of a prequel graphic novel about the Manticore, and I got to do it with Mariko Tamaki, who's one of the best comic book writers around.
Why was Onward taken off Disney plus?
A number of Walt Disney Animation and Pixar films are apparently deemed unsuitable for a Disney+ Kids Profile. These movies include the likes of Moana, Cars 3, Onward and even the original Fantasia.
How much did Incredibles 2 make?
1.245 billion USD Gli Incredibili 2/Botteghino Incredibles 2 grossed $608.6 million in the United States and Canada, and $634.2 million in other territories, for a total worldwide gross of $1.242 billion. On J, the film passed $648 million at the worldwide box office, surpassing the $633 million the original film made in its entire theatrical run.
What is Disney Onward about?
The plot features a young gay man who has not yet come out to his parents, who unexpectedly has his mind magically swapped with his dog's. The seventh short film in the SparkShorts series, it is both Disney's and Pixar's first short to feature a gay main character and storyline, including an on-screen same-sex kiss.
Are Pixar movies getting worse?
Also since 2010, all of Pixar's movies have received an “A” from CinemaScore. And though box office is not always indicator of how good a film was, most Pixar films since 2010 have had high grosses in North America and world wide. So, the quality certainly isn't getting worse.
What happens at the end of onward?
The film ends with Ian using his magical power to make Barley's new van fly. On top of that, Barley's deep knowledge of magical creatures and artifacts could become much more impressive now that it's been confirmed to the world that magic definitely still has power in the world.