Quanto tempo ci vuole ad andare sulla Luna?

Quanto tempo ci vuole ad andare sulla Luna?
Apollo 11 | |
Emblema missione | |
Durata | 8 giorni, 3 ore, 18 minuti e 35 secondi |
Peso campioni lunari | 21,55 chilogrammi (47,5 lb) |
Proprietà del veicolo spaziale |
Quanto ci vuole per arrivare fino a Marte?
Più lontano dalla Terra rispetto a Venere, ciononostante è ad una distanza che permette, con le tecnologie a nostra disposizione, a un veicolo spaziale di raggiungerlo con un volo di una durata tra i 6 e i 9 mesi grazie ad una traiettoria a massimo risparmio di propellente.
Where did the Apollo 11 launch from?
- Back to Gallery On J, the huge, 363-feet tall Saturn V rocket launches on the Apollo 11 mission from Pad A, Launch Complex 39, Kennedy Space Center, at 9:32 a.m. EDT. Onboard the Apollo 11 spacecraft are astronauts Neil A. Armstrong, commander; Michael Collins, command module pilot; and Edwin E. Aldrin Jr., lunar module pilot.
How long did it take Apollo 11 to orbit the Moon?
- On July 19, after Apollo 11 had flown behind the moon out of contact with Earth, came the first lunar orbit insertion maneuver. At about 75 hours, 50 minutes into the flight, a retrograde firing of the SPS for 357.5 seconds placed the spacecraft into an initial, elliptical-lunar orbit of miles.
How did Apollo 11 effectively prove US victory in the Space Race?
- Apollo 11 effectively proved US victory in the Space Race to demonstrate spaceflight superiority, by fulfilling a national goal proposed in 1961 by President John F. Kennedy, "before this decade is out, of landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to the Earth."
What was the primary objective of Apollo 11?
- "The Eagle has landed…" The primary objective of Apollo 11 was to complete a national goal set by President John F. Kennedy on : perform a crewed lunar landing and return to Earth.