Come erano organizzati i sardi?

Come erano organizzati i sardi?
Un popolo di pastori dunque, organizzati in piccole comunità fortemente gerarchizzate, a capo delle quali stava un re-pastore, un capo tribù che deteneva i massimi poteri religiosi, politici e militari. Il re-pastore viveva nel nuraghe, la sacra dimora fortezza e intorno al nuraghe sorgeva il villaggio.
Cosa costruirono i sardi?
Dal 15 A.C. avvenne la costruzione dei monumenti megalitici caratteristici, noti con il nome di nuraghe, un poco reggia, un poco fortezza, un poco torre di osservazione.
What kind of DNA do Sardinians have?
- Sardinian Genetics: Abstracts and Summaries. The Sardinian language is part of the Romance family. Almost 50% of Sardinians belong to one of these two divisions of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroup H: H1 and H3 . Among Europeans, haplogroup H3 is most prevalent among the Sardinian, Galician, and Basque peoples.
What is the Sardi Molecular Diagnostics Centre?
- The SARDI Molecular Diagnostics Centre (MDC) has unique expertise and infrastructure to develop and deliver quantitative DNA based tests for a broad range of soil, stubble and air-borne organisms of economic importance to agriculture.
What does Sardi stand for?
- The South Australian Research and Development Institute (SARDI) Soil Biology and Molecular Diagnostics science program has unique, world-leading expertise and infrastructure to develop and deliver DNA-based tests for quantification of fungal and nematode pathogens, weed seeds, beneficial soil microflora and plant roots in soil.
What is haplogroup G in Sardinia?
- Haplogroup G is the 3rd most common Y-DNA haplogroup in Sardinian People, with a distribution estimated between 11% and 15%, mainly in the north part of the island and on the highlands of central regions. It spread on the island with the diffusion of the neolithic farmers from Asia.