Che professore era Conte?

Che professore era Conte?
Conseguita nel 2000 l'idoneità a professore associato di diritto privato e nel 2002 a professore ordinario, ha insegnato presso la LUMSA, l'Università di Roma Tre e l'Università di Sassari. È professore ordinario di diritto privato presso l'Università di Firenze e docente presso la Luiss di Roma.
Che lavoro faceva il premier Conte?
Academic Giuseppe Conte/Professioni
Who is Dr Conte?
- Dr. Conte is a member of many professional organizations, including the Society for Vascular Surgery and the Society of University Surgeons. Dr. Conte has also been an invited lecturer for many regional, national, and international meetings and conferences.
Where did Michael Conte go to college?
- Dr. Michael Conte received his medical degree in 1986 at Albert Einstein College of Medicine. He completed his surgical residency at New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center in 1993, which included a two year research fellowship at Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH) and Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston.
What is Conte's early life and career?
- Early life and career. Conte was born on 8 August 1964 into a middle class family at Volturara Appula, near Foggia. His father Nicola was a public employee in the local municipality while his mother Lillina Roberti was an elementary school teacher.
Where did Conte study law in Italy?
- After his family moved to San Giovanni Rotondo, Conte attended the Classical Lyceum "Pietro Giannone" in nearby San Marco in Lamis and then studied Law at the Sapienza University of Rome, where he graduated in 1988 with distinction. For short terms, Conte studied abroad.