Come utilizzare bonus Tirrenia?

Come utilizzare bonus Tirrenia?
Il bonus potrà essere scontato su un successivo biglietto per qualsiasi destinazione TIRRENIA. Il bonus può essere utilizzato solo su nuovi acquisti che abbiano un valore (al netto di tasse, diritti e competenze) uguale o maggiore al valore del bonus stesso.
What is the history of the Tirrenia company?
- Tirrenia Società Anonima di Navigazione was founded in 1936, resulting from the nationalization of many private-owned Italian lines. The company gathered a fleet of 55 ships. When World War II broke out, the number of lines were reduced.
Where can I travel by ferry from Tirrenia?
- Discover all ferry connections of Tirrenia: Sardinia, Sicily, Tunisia. Inquire departure times and book your ticket online
What is the history of Tirrenia di Navigazione?
- The company became public and its name was changed to Tirrenia di Navigazione S.p.A. In 1965, the company launched the production of fully-fledged ferries, the Poet Class. In the 1970s, ships were gradually replaced by ferries and the company developed its freight activities. In 1975, Tirrenia bought the Malta Express ferry.
How long are the flights from Sardinia to Corsica and Corsica?
- Sardinia - Olbia with two daily duration ranging from about 11 hours with respect to the departure night and about 10 hours with respect to the starting day. Corsica - Bastia with two daily runs of last between 10 hours regarding the departure and night around 6:30 pm regarding the departure day.