Che cosa si coltiva in Israele?

Che cosa si coltiva in Israele?
Fra le colture industriali prevalgono la barbabietola da zucchero e le arachidi. La zootecnia bovina è molto sviluppata e altamente specializzata (la produzione media di latte per vacca è la più alta del mondo). Altre consistenti forme di allevamento sono quelle degli ovini e degli animali da cortile.
What is agriagriculture like in Israel?
- Agriculture in Israel is the success story of a long, hard struggle against adverse land and climate conditions. Over half of Israel’s saline soil is arid or semi-arid (only 20% is arable) and Israel’s natural water supplies are below the UN definition of water poverty.
How much does Israel Export from agriculture?
- Agricultural Exports. Agriculture in Israel contributed to just 3% of total exports in 2006, link, rising to 4.2% (over $2 billion US) of total exports in 2010. Currently, Israel exports more than $2 billion dollars of fruit and vegetables each year. These exports amounted to 18% of agricultural production in 2014, link.
How big is Israel's fruit and vegetable industry?
- Some fruit and vegetable statistics, link, link: Fruit and vegetables amount to typically 50% of Israel’s total agricultural output Israeli fruit and vegetables accounted for about 12 billion shekels (3 billion USD) in revenue in 2014 Total agricultural revenues in 2013 stood at over 30 billion shekels (8 billion USD)
How can Israeli agriculture help feed the world?
- Advances in Israeli agriculture are now helping to feed the world, link. Here’s some examples: Israeli drip and micro-irrigation solutions have rapidly spread worldwide. The newest models are self-cleaning and maintain uniform flow rate regardless of water quality and pressure.