Su cosa si basa l'economia del Montenegro?

Su cosa si basa l'economia del Montenegro?
Economia in Montenegro: informazioni utili L'economia si basa soprattutto sull'agricoltura e sulla pastorizia: tra le altre cose si coltivano, cereali, tabacco, ortaggi e olive. Il settore industriale sfrutta le risorse metallurgiche e molta importanza ha il settore della cantieristica navale.
What type of economy does Montenegro have?
- Economy of Montenegro. The economy of Montenegro is mostly a service based economy, currently in the process of economic transition. The economy of this small Balkan state is recovering from the impact of the Yugoslav Wars, the decline of industry following the breakup of SFRY, and UN economic sanctions .
What is the currency of Montenegro?
- Montenegro uses the euro as its domestic currency, though it is not an official member of the euro zone. In January 2007, Montenegro joined the World Bank and IMF, and in December 2011, the WTO.
How much did Montenegro export in 2012?
- In the first half of 2012, Montenegro exported goods (mostly metals) worth 182,3 million €, which is 14,6% less than the same period the preceding year. The major export partners were Croatia (47,2 million €), Serbia (36,8), Bosnia and Herzegovina and Hungary (12,7).
Why is Montenegro's debt so high?
- Cheaper borrowing costs have stimulated Montenegro’s growing debt, which currently sits at 65.9% of GDP, with a forecast, absent fiscal consolidation, to increase to 80% once the repayment to China’s Ex/Im Bank of a €800 million highway loan begins in 2019.