Quanto costa andare all Allianz Stadium?

Quanto costa andare all Allianz Stadium?

Quanto costa andare all Allianz Stadium?

Il listino prezzi per le partite della Juventus varia tra i 250 euro per la tribuna est centrale (1° anello) e i 75 euro delle tribune nord e sud.

Qual è il posto migliore allo Juventus Stadium?

oltre un anno fa. Si vede bene praticamente da ogni posizione, certo se non si hanno problemi di spesa, quelli centrali soprattutto del primo anello sia est che ovest sono senza dubbio i migliori.

How did Juventus change the lighting of their stadium?

  • In the summer of 2016, Juventus replaced the light fittings with LED technology devices. This choice lead the Allianz Stadium to obtain the “Elite A” status (the highest in UEFA standards) for the lighting of the playing field, but above all, the possibility of performing light shows.

Where is Juventus Stadium located?

  • Juventus’ Stadium is located out of town approximately 6 km northwest of Turin’s’ historical city centre towards the western foot of the Alps. Being on the outskirts of the city, there is easy access by car, with the stadium lying just south of the Tangenziale (a ring road).

Where can I buy tickets to see Juventus matches online?

  • Tickets can either be purchased online via List Ticket or from the Museum itself, and generally run on every day of the week with the exception of Tuesdays. Tickets to see Juventus play at home can be purchased online, and around from various points around the city and stadium in the weeks leading up to the match.

What is curcurva Nord at Juventus Stadium?

  • Curva Nord - This is, as the name suggests, at the Northern end of the stadium. It tends to house the Juventus “Ultras”, the most passionate fans who are responsible for making the most noise on match days.

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