Quale istituzione europea controlla che i criteri del fiscal compact siano rispettati?
- Quale istituzione europea controlla che i criteri del fiscal compact siano rispettati?
- Che cos'è il patto di stabilità interno dei Comuni?
- What is the Fiscal Compact and how does it work?
- Will the Fiscal Compact end government profligacy in Europe?
- What is the fiscal treaty and what does it do?
- When did Latvia become bound by the Fiscal Compact?
Quale istituzione europea controlla che i criteri del fiscal compact siano rispettati?
La decisione del Consiglio europeo del di procedere alla firma del cosiddetto Fiscal Compact Trattato sulla stabilità, coordina‐ mento e governance nell'unione economica e monetaria ‐ Tscg ha mes‐ so in dubbio posizioni e convinzioni che nei mesi precedenti erano state considerate dei punti fermi.
Che cos'è il patto di stabilità interno dei Comuni?
patto di stabilità interno Sistema di regole che identifica i vincoli alla finanza delle Regioni e degli enti locali, determinandone singolarmente gli obiettivi programmatici.
What is the Fiscal Compact and how does it work?
- The main provision of this Treaty is the requirement to have a balanced budget rule in domestic legal orders (the Fiscal Compact). Out of the 25 Contracting Parties to the TSCG, 22 are formally bound by the Fiscal Compact (the 19 euro area Member States plus Bulgaria, Denmark and Romania).
Will the Fiscal Compact end government profligacy in Europe?
- Less than half a year ago the Fiscal Compact was being hailed by European leaders as the silver bullet which could permanently end the problem of government profligacy in the euro area, and which would help bring market confidence back to sovereign bond markets. Now, this same treaty has come under heavy attack.
What is the fiscal treaty and what does it do?
- Tue, . . The European Union fiscal treaty was agreed by 25 of the 27 European Union states in January this year after Britain and the Czech Republic refused support. The treaty is designed to prevent a repeat of the Greek debt crisis and protect against the potential collapse of the euro currency.
When did Latvia become bound by the Fiscal Compact?
- Latvia became bound by the fiscal provision on 1 January 2014 when it adopted the euro. Croatia, which acceded to the EU in July 2013, also acceded to the Fiscal Compact on , as did the Czech Republic on .