Come fare con un bipolare?

Come fare con un bipolare?
Solo prendere contatto con lo specialista non è sufficiente. Bisogna aiutare la persona affetta dal disturbo bipolare a ricordare gli appuntamenti, ad essere costante nell'assunzione delle terapie, a comunicare tempestivamente allo specialista i primi cambiamenti dello stato clinico.
Come parlare con una persona bipolare?
Non potete guarire il vostro congiunto ma potete offrire comprensione (“Forse non posso capire cosa significhi soffrire di disturbo bipolare ma capisco che stai soffrendo”), rassicurazioni (“Ti sarò sempre vicino, anche nei momenti più difficili”) e sostegno (“Se non riesci a fare qualcosa conta sul mio aiuto”).
How do you deal with a bipolar husband?
- Some coping techniques for spouses of bipolar sufferers You may dearly miss the person you fell in love with. Find your own therapist. Look for a support group for partners of bipolar sufferers. Go with your spouse to a few of his/her therapy sessions and talk to their therapist.
What is it like to live with a bipolar spouse?
- If you are living with a bipolar spouse, here are some things to consider when dealing with a bipolar spouse. The mental illness your spouse suffers with is something that is happening to your entire family. You cannot fix your spouse. All members of the family have a responsibility to cope with the mental illness.
How to live with a bipolar partner?
- Strategies for Dealing with Bipolar Spouse. Maintain your own identity; resist becoming consumed with your spouse's mental illness. Life goes on. You have an obligation to yourself and your children to take care of yourself and meet your own needs. You all must continue to develop your own interests and talents.
Should people with bipolar be in relationships?
- It’s possible to have a healthy, happy relationship with someone living with bipolar disorder. However, there may also be specific indicators that suggest taking another look at the relationship. Dr. Saltz said that several signs may indicate an unhealthy relationship, particularly with a partner who has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder: