Come funziona Kelkoo?

Come funziona Kelkoo?
Kelkoo è un sito per il confronto dei prezzi di beni e servizi. Ti dà una mano a trovare le offerte più interessanti consentendoti di confrontare i prezzi di diversi negozi online in modo facile e veloce. Kelkoo raccoglie e passa in rassegna per te milioni di offerte di centinaia di rivenditori online.
What is Prezi and why use it?
- Prezi Classic is flash-based software An online Flash-based platform for creating, editing, collaborating and sharing A blank canvas, flexible path and deep-dive zoom A desktop app for working offline - which syncs to online account A mobile viewer app for iOS and Android - to present and share
What is Prezi used for?
- Prezi is a presentation tool that can be used as an alternative to traditional slide making programs such as PowerPoint. Instead of slides, Prezi makes use of one large canvas that allows you to pan and zoom to various parts of the canvas and emphasize the ideas presented there.
How to make a Prezi?
- If you are starting from the welcome screen, click start.
- If you are starting from your page, click "New Prezi".
- Select a style, name your prezi, and write a description of it.
- Click "Create".
- Click "Open Me".
- Click "Open Me" again.
How does Prezi work?
- Prezi easily allows the use of text, images, and insertion of videos. Because most Prezis are created with a reader in mind, text is usually still used to convey messages – and so the problem of audiences being able to read for themselves is still present when using Prezi for presentations.