Quante persone vivono in Italia con HIV?

Quante persone vivono in Italia con HIV?
Nel 2019 sono state effettuate 2.531 nuove diagnosi di infezione da Hiv pari a 4,2 nuovi casi per 100.000 residenti. L'Italia, in termini di incidenza delle nuove diagnosi HIV, si colloca lievemente al di sotto della media dei Paesi dell'Unione Europea (4,7 casi per 100.000 residenti).
How do people live with HIV?
- According to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, HIV-positive people can live with the virus for several decades if they are receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART). The therapy keeps HIV from multiplying and destroying the immune system, preventing the progress of HIV to AIDS.
Can people live with HIV?
- Today, people with HIV can live long and healthy lives. That’s why routine HIV screening is vital. Early detection and timely treatment are key to managing the virus, extending life expectancy, and reducing the risk of transmission.
How to live with HIV?
- Nutritional advice for people living with HIV is the same as for people with a negative status: eat a balanced diet, without too much processed fat, sugar or salt. This will also help your body to absorb the treatment and fight off everyday infections.
Can I live with HIV?
- Having HIV doesn’t have to stop you living a healthy life in the way that you choose to do. With the right treatment and care, you can expect to live as long as someone who doesn’t have HIV.