Quanto dura visita Galleria Borghese?

Quanto dura visita Galleria Borghese?
due ore La visita dura due ore (ad eccezione del turno delle 17.45) e i turni di visita, ciascuno fino ad un massimo di 180 persone, sono ai seguenti orari di ingresso e di uscita: 09.00-11.00. 10.00-12.00. 11.00-13.00.
What is the Borghese Museum in Rome?
- CAFFETTERIA BORGHESE The Museum in the beautiful setting of Villa Borghese in Rome preserves sculptures, reliefs and ancient mosaics, and paintings and sculptures from the fifteenth to the eighteenth century.
Where is the Borghese Gallery located?
- Currently the Borghese Gallery is located in the impressive gardens of the Borghese Villa and it is one of the most prestigious art museums of the world. The gallery is recognized throughout Europe as it exposes in its interior much of the collection that began Cardinal Scipione Borghese between 15.
What happened to the Borghese villa?
- In 1902, the Borghese family, unable to meet the maintenance costs of the villa, sold the collection to the Italian State and in 1903 the gardens of the Casina Borghese were segregated to be sold to the city hall of Rome, which made them a public park.
What makes the Borghese collection unique?
- The original collection was built by Cardinal Borghese, gifted with great artistic taste and exceptional intuition. The Cardinal was able to create a beautiful collection dedicated mainly to the expressions of ancient, renaissance and contemporary art.