Che cos'è un attacco ischemico transitorio?

Che cos'è un attacco ischemico transitorio?

Che cos'è un attacco ischemico transitorio?

L'attacco ischemico transitorio (TIA) è causato da una temporanea e reversibile interruzione del flusso sanguigno in una parte del cervello, con conseguente carenza di ossigeno in grado di indurre sintomi improvvisi simili a quelli dell'ictus.

What are the symptoms of ischemia in the legs?

  • If ischemia occurs in the legs, symptoms may include: 1 Severe pain in legs and feet while at rest 2 Sores on the feet or legs that don’t heal 3 Foot pain or numbness 4 Shiny, smooth skin on legs and feet 5 Thickened toenails 6 Coldness or weakness in the legs 7 Dry, black skin (dry gangrene) in the legs or feet More ...

What is ischemia and how is it treated?

  • Treatment of ischemia begins with seeking regular medical care throughout your life. Regular medical care allows a health care professional to provide early screening tests and to promptly evaluate symptoms and your risks for developing ischemia. The goal of treating ischemia is to restore blood flow and prevent further damage.

What are the symptoms of silent ischemia?

  • Some people have silent ischemia in the heart or brain. This is when you have ischemia, but no pain or any other signs or symptoms. It can lead to a heart attack or stroke that seems to come out of the blue. If you do get symptoms, they vary based on where you have ischemia. If you think you might have it, get medical help right away.

What are the symptoms of ischemic heart disease?

  • It can also cause chest pain (doctors call it “ angina ”), or sudden cardiac death. You may hear it called ischemic heart disease, myocardial ischemia, or cardiac ischemia. Brain: This can cause a stroke. Legs: Doctors call this “critical limb ischemia.”

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