Come funziona il telefono incluso wind?
- Come funziona il telefono incluso wind?
- What is the difference between CD4+ Treg cells and regulatory T cells?
- What is the difference between helper T cells and regulatory T cells?
- What are the potential applications of regulatory T cell epitopes?
- Can Treg modulation treat cancer and autoimmune disease?

Come funziona il telefono incluso wind?
L'acquisto del dispositivo con l'offerta “Telefono Incluso” avviene in 30 rate, il cui importo varia in base al device scelto. Le rate possono essere pagate sia con carta di credito che con domiciliazione bancaria SEPA SDD (tranne particolari casi in cui è accettato come metodo di pagamento solo carta di credito).
What is the difference between CD4+ Treg cells and regulatory T cells?
- Two major classes of CD4+ Treg cells have been described — FOXP3+ Treg cells and FOXP3− Treg cells. Regulatory T cells can develop either during normal development in the thymus, and are then known as thymic Treg cells, or can be induced peripherally and are called peripherally derived Treg cells.
What is the difference between helper T cells and regulatory T cells?
- These "Tregs" are different from helper T cells. Another regulatory T cell subset is Treg17 cells. Regulatory T cells are involved in shutting down immune responses after they have successfully eliminated invading organisms, and also in preventing autoimmunity.
What are the potential applications of regulatory T cell epitopes?
- Potential applications of regulatory T cell epitopes have been hypothesised: tolerisation to transplants, protein drugs, blood transfer therapies, and type I diabetes as well as reduction of immune response for the treatment of allergies.
Can Treg modulation treat cancer and autoimmune disease?
- Mouse models have suggested that modulation of Tregs can treat autoimmune disease and cancer and can facilitate organ transplantation and wound healing. Their implications for cancer are complicated. Tregs tend to be upregulated in individuals with cancer, and they seem to be recruited to the site of many tumors.