Come ti chiami soldato?

Come ti chiami soldato?

Come ti chiami soldato?

Sergente Hartman: Come ti chiami, faccia di merda? Soldato Biancaneve: Signore, soldato Brown, signore! Sergente Hartman: Balle! D'ora in poi tu sei il soldato Biancaneve!

Chi è stato Sergente Hartman?

Il sergente maggiore Hartman (Gunnery Sergeant Hartman) è un personaggio del film Full Metal Jacket, ispirato al personaggio del sergente maggiore Gerheim che compare nel romanzo Nato per uccidere, su cui il film è basato. È interpretato da R. Lee Ermey.

Come ti chiami palla di lardo?

Palla: “Signorsì signore!” Hartman: “Si saranno pentiti di averti fatto: tu sei talmente brutto che sembri un capolavoro d'arte moderna. Come ti chiami, sacco di lardo?” Palla: Signore, Lennon Lawrence, signore!”

What does Sergeant Hartman mean in Full Metal Jacket?

  • Gunnery Sergeant Hartman, also known as Sergeant Hartman, is a character from the war-drama movie Full Metal Jacket. He is a foul-mouthed drill sergeant who appears to bullies his recruits, most frequently Private Pyle because he is a "disgusting fatbody".

How does Sergeant Hartman introduce himself to the new recruits?

  • Gunnery Sergeant Hartman introduced himself to his recruits starting with Private Brown. He told him that he will be Private Snowball from now on and asked him if he liked that name.

Why did Private Pyle kill Sergeant Hartman?

  • He is a foul-mouthed drill sergeant who appears to bullies his recruits, most frequently Private Pyle because he is a "disgusting fatbody". Because of all this, Private Pyle has been driven insane and decided to shoot Hartman, and then commited suicide by firing a rifle in his mouth.

Why did private Lawrence give private Hartman an obnoxious Grin?

  • He was insulting him even more than he did to his other privates for being fat and that he hates the name Lawrence. He called him "Gomer Pyle" from now on, and Private Lawrence gave him an obnoxious grin, breaking what is refered to as military bearing. Hartman gave him three seconds to stop grinning.

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