Quanti aerei può portare la Cavour?

Quanti aerei può portare la Cavour?

Quanti aerei può portare la Cavour?

Cavour (C 550)
Cavour (C550)
Mezzi aereiDi base: 22 aeromobili (ufficialmente dichiarati) 10 aerei STOVL/V/STOL (Harrier II AV-8B Plus o F-35B) 12 elicotteri ASW, ASuW (EH-101 AEW/ASW, SH-3D, AB-212 ASW e/o NFH-90) Quantità massima: 36 aeromobili (tra ponte di volo e aviorimessa).
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Quando rientra nave Cavour?

Il 16 aprile 2021 la portaerei STOVL italiana “Cavour” (CVH 550) è ripartita dagli USA per tornare in Italia dopo aver completato la Campagna “Ready For Operations” in collaborazione con la US Navy e lo US Marine Corps e che ha portato alla certificazione all'impiego degli F-35B con la nave ammiraglia della Marina ...

What is the Cavour unit?

  • The unit features high Command and Control capabilities (joint and combined) as well as combat systems for anti-air, anti-surface and anti-submarine warfare within a range of 350 km. Aircraft carrier Cavour is the outcome of a joint project between the Directorate-General of Naval Weaponry (NAVARM) and Fincantieri signed in November 2000.

What kind of helicopters can fit in the Cavour?

  • The Cavour can accommodate heavy transport helicopters. A typical air group would be a mix of 20 - 24 V/STOL Harriers and helicopters. The Cavour is fitted with a sky-jump ramp; the runway for takeoff is 183 m. long. The flight deck features 6 helicopter take off spots, plus one spot for SAR.

What weapons does the Cavour aircraft carrier have?

  • The Cavour aircraft carrier is armed with 2 eight-cell vertical launch systems for 32 Aster 15 surface-to-air missiles; active radar homing to 30 km (16 n miles). Other weapons include 2 Oto Melara 3 in (76-mm)/62 Super Rapid Strales and 3 Oto Melara KBA 25/80mm.

What is Cavour doing with the F-35B?

  • In February 2021, Cavour deployed to the United States for its initial period of flying trials with the F-35B. This saw the ship engage in four weeks of verification to determine the performance envelope of the aircraft when operating from the flight deck, using a pair of aircraft from VX-23, the US Navy's Test and Evaluation Squadron.

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