Quando si svolge la Barcolana 2021?

Quando si svolge la Barcolana 2021?

Quando si svolge la Barcolana 2021?

Trieste, Dom 10/10/2021 La regata si svolge su un percorso di circa 15 miglia a vertici fissi, un quadrilatero con linea di partenza fissata tra il Castello di Miramare e la sede della Società Velica di Barcola e Grignano e la linea di arrivo collocata nel tratto di mare di fronte a Piazza Unità d'Italia.

Dove vedere la Barcolana in TV 2021?

Vela - La Barcolana - Edizione 2021 - RaiPlay.

Quanti iscritti alla Barcolana?

Ogni anno vi prendono parte circa 25.000 velisti mentre il pubblico arriva ad oltre 300.000 persone, che seguono la regata sia dalle Rive di Trieste che dalle alture del Carso.

What is the Barcolana in Trieste?

  • The Barcolana is held every year on the second Sunday of October in the Gulf of Trieste, between Miramare Castle and the stretch of sea in front of Piazza Unità d’Italia.

What is the Barcolana week?

  • From October 1st to October 10th, 2021 is the “Barcolana week”, the sailing regatta that has been in the Guinness World Records since 2018 as the largest regatta in the world: 2689 boats registered. Now Barcolana reached its 53rd edition and it is an event known all over the world and the biggest event for the city of Trieste.

What is Barcolana 2021?

  • Barcolana 2021 The most numerous regatta is the legendary Barcolana! More than fifty years ago, the sailing club Barcola and Grignano (Società Velica di Barcola e Grignano - two districts of Trieste) held the first race, in which 51 boats took part. In 2017, there were already 2101 boats.

Why is the Barcolana regatta in October?

  • The Barcolana, the largest sailing regatta in the world, is held on the second Sunday of October each year, a date that was chosen originally because other sailing clubs were already organising regattas and competitions earlier in the year. What was needed to take part in the Coppa d'autunno?

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