Perché Star Wars e fantasy?

Perché Star Wars e fantasy?
Alcuni la considerano un'opera di pura fantascienza, ma in realtà l'esalogia ideata da George Lucas tradisce il genere con una serie di espliciti rimandi al filone fantasy. Perché nell'opera di Lucas c'è molto più passato che futuro. ...
Dove vive George Lucas?
Lo Skywalker Ranch è un ranch cinematografico del regista, sceneggiatore e produttore George Lucas situato a Nicasio, California, nella Contea di Marin. Il ranch si trova in Via Lucas Valley, il cui nome non proviene da George Lucas, ma da un importante proprietario terriero del ventesimo secolo.
What order should you watch Star Wars?
- Theatrical Release Order. The most obvious answer is theatrical release order,since this is how the movies were shown and what George Lucas intended.
- Chronological Order. George Lucas had always intended for the original Star Wars film to be a small part of a much larger story.
- Machete Order. If you have already seen everything in release and chronological order,there's another option to try: Machete Order.
- Disney's Narrative Timeline. But what about the television shows? Star Wars has become more than just movies,with The Clone Wars,Rebels,Resistance,and The Mandalorian arriving in more recent ...
- Star Wars Vintage. Disney+pushes only the best and newest content,while ignoring anything that doesn't fit into the greater narrative timeline.
- Everything Still to Come. Even after the release of the last big film,Disney plans to continue releasing additional Star Wars content on Disney+for the foreseeable future.
What is the best weapon in Star Wars?
- The ray gun, the standard weapon of classic science fiction, is also the most common weapon in the Star Wars universe under the name "blaster". There are many variations of blasters: pistols, carbines, cannons, assault rifles and even machine guns.
Who was the evil emperor in Star Wars?
- In Star Wars fiction, Palpatine is a cunning politician, a ruthless emperor, and an evil Sith Lord . The Star Wars Databank describes him as "the supreme ruler of the most powerful tyrannical regime the galaxy had ever witnessed" and Stephen J. Sansweet's Star Wars Encyclopedia calls him "evil incarnate".
Who is the strongest Jedi in Star Wars?
- Yoda was a wise, experienced, and powerful Grand Master of the Jedi of an unknown species and the oldest known prophet (at least 900+ years) in existence, considered the wisest and most powerful Jedi Master within the Star Wars universe .